Review Process

All submitted articles will undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process, where the reviewers are unaware of the authors' identities, ensuring a fair and unbiased evaluation.

All submissions will be subjected to extensive plagiarism and similarity checks.

To ensure high-quality standards, each submitted paper will be reviewed by the technical program chairs.

The Technical Program chairs assign papers to reviewers based on their subject expertise.

The reviewer evaluates the scope, organization of the manuscript, research methodology, adherence to ethical standards, language quality, innovative ideas, reference citations, hypothesis formulation, presentation of results, technical quality and many other relevant criteria.

The decisions received from the reviewers will be reviewed and evaluated by the technical program chairs. The technical program chairs will then make the final decision based on the reviewers' suggestions and forward it to the organizing chair.

The organizing chair will subsequently notify the authors of the decision.

The final acceptance decision will be based on the recommendation of a maximum of 2 reviewers who recommend acceptance.